Press Release

Latest news and announcements from the NDPC

Oil & Gas Trades Call on Biden to Address Energy Security

BISMARCK, ND – On March 18, 2022, the North Dakota Petroleum Council (NDPC) joined a coalition of 10 oil and natural gas trade associations in sending a LETTER to President Biden urging him to take action and join with the industry to address rising energy prices and encourage domestic production to ensure energy security.

The letter requests that the President and his administration change their tone and tenor regarding US oil and gas producers and stop the openly hostile rhetoric against our industry. We also request the administration get their facts straight regarding federal permits and leases to produce on federal lands and federal minerals. The American people deserve an honest explanation of this administration’s policies and how they are directly impacting energy prices in our country.

To address rising energy prices we must increase supply and we should not do that by begging unstable nations to sell us more oil. “President Biden can have an immediate impact on energy prices if he decides to,” said Ron Ness, President of the North Dakota Petroleum Council. “He can walk to the podium at any time and announce he is changing his administration’s direction on American energy. He can halt his heavy-handed regulatory efforts to provide some certainty to producers and investors, he can direct his agencies to work on approving permits and projects, and he can urge the financial sector to invest in American oil and gas production. He can stand with the energy industry to increase American oil and gas production to benefit all Americans, and he can do this all today if he chooses.”

We can produce the world’s cleanest barrel of oil right here in the Bakken and if President Biden is committed to a clean environment as well as affordable prices for Americans, he should do everything in his power to encourage and unleash American production.

NDPC President Ron Ness was also on Cavuto: Coast to Coast to discuss the letter.


Oil & Gas Trades Letter to Biden

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