Virtual events, presentation recordings, and video resources from the NDPC
NDPC Speaker Series: Know Your Risk – Contractor vs Employee Liability
NDPC members tuned in to see presentations from North Dakota Workforce Safety and Insurance, AssuredPartners, and Sherman & Howard discussing contractors vs. employees and insurance liability issues.
Other News
Lawrence Bender
INDUCTED 2024 LAWRENCE BENDERLawrence Bender was inducted as the 19th member of the North Dakota Petroleum Council Hall of Fame at the Petroleum Council’s 43rd Annual Meeting in September in Watford City, North Dakota. HALL OF FAMEBIOGRAPHY LAWRENCE...
Ron Ness Guest Host on KFYR 550 AM Radio’s “Dakota Talk” Show on February 19, 2024
Ron Ness, President of the North Dakota Petroleum Council, was the guest host for the KFYR 550 AM Radio talk show "Dakota Talk" on Monday, February 19, 2024. Dakota Talk Guest Line-Up First Hour: Dale Hoerauf, Director of Career and Technical Education and Director of...
The Future of Oil and Natural Gas Industry in North Dakota Is Bright
OP-ED BY RON NESSWe all benefit from a strong oil and natural gas industry. The billions of dollars in taxes and royalties paid to the State of North Dakota each year pay for education, infrastructure, and social services across our great state. In fact, over 50% of...