Press Releases
Latest news and announcements from the NDPC.
NDPC Recognizes Headland with Public Service Award
October 4, 2021
Bismarck, ND – The North Dakota Petroleum Council (NDPC) honored Representative Craig Headland (R-Montpelier) with their Outstanding Public Service Award during the NDPC Annual Meeting in Watford City on September 23, 2021.

The award was created to acknowledge elected officials, legislators, and other public servants who go beyond the normal call of duty to make North Dakota a better place to live and work.
Representative Headland serves as Chairman of the House Finance and Taxation Committee. He is also a member of the legislative re-districting committee during this interim. He has served in the legislature since 2003.
“Over the past decade, Representative Headland has been at the forefront of ensuring the oil and gas industry has a fair and competitive tax rate and supported a key tax incentive that helped kickstart the Bakken in 2009. He was instrumental in the major oil tax reform legislation in 2015 and has supported North Dakota’s oil industry wholeheartedly throughout his career” said North Dakota Petroleum Council President Ron Ness.
Representative Headland grew up on a farm near Ypsilanti, North Dakota and currently farms the same land today that has been in the family for the last three generations. He serves on several corporate boards of directors that give him a unique perspective into the State of North Dakota and especially the oil and gas industry.
This past legislative session, three major bills relating to oil and gas landed in Representative Headland’s Finance and Taxation Committee. All three bills were studied and fine-tuned by his committee and ultimately passed into law and signed by the Governor. These bills addressed reforms to state mineral royalty obligations, a remote gas capture tax incentive, and adjustments to the tax treatment of wells straddling the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and state/private land.
Through his leadership, these bills will help create a business climate for continued investment in the Bakken, unlocking untold benefits to our industry, the MHA Nation, and the State of North Dakota.
The North Dakota Petroleum Council congratulates Representative Headland on his achievements and thanks him for his continued work to support the oil and gas industry in North Dakota.
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