The NDPC facilitates several committees that monitor and engage on various issues and help help develop and lead the regulatory, legislative and communications strategies for the industry.
All members of the North Dakota Petroleum Council are encouraged to join our staff and ad hoc committees to help better serve the industry as advocates for oil and gas in North Dakota. As the focus on oil and gas development has increased in North Dakota over the last several years, so has the complexity and extent of issues addressed by the North Dakota Petroleum Council. We hope to take advantage of all our members’ technical knowledge and expertise to analyze issues that arise in industry-related areas, formulate solutions and help guide the North Dakota Petroleum Council and its Board of Directors in making decisions.
To become a committee member, e-mail You must be a member of the North Dakota Petroleum Council to serve on ad hoc committees.
Communications Committee – The North Dakota Petroleum Council strives to provide media and public relations messaging through multi-media outlets state and nationwide. This committee is responsible for developing the Council’s communications strategy, talking points, messaging and promotion of the oil and gas industry.
Fire Prevention Taskfore – The North Dakota Petroleum Council created this taskforce to compile best management practices designed to help operators mitigate wildfire risks while maintainaing operational safety and regulatory compliance.
Outreach Committee – This committee will provide the leadership and vision for community outreach and continued development of our Energy of North Dakota program.
Regulatory Committee – Regulatory and legal issues have some of the biggest impacts on our industry. Our regulatory committee is actively engaged in local, state and federal issues and members will help provide recommendations to the North Dakota Petroleum Council Executive Committee on key issues. The committee will also develop comment letters and position statements on regulatory and legal issues for the Petroleum Council. | Log into the Regulatory Committee Page
Safety Committee – This committee will work with key entities in North Dakota to improve industry efforts in all areas of safety, including transportation, well site safety, public outreach, etc.
Service Sector Committee – This committee represents and addresses the critical needs of service providers within North Dakota’s oil and gas industry. By fostering collaboration and providing a platform for discussion, the committee aims to enhance the success and sustainability of the service sector while strengthening its contributions to the industry and the state.
Technical Solutions Group – This group meets to discuss industry issues that matter to our members and collaborative Bakken producers’ solutions to those problems. NDPC member companies gather to explore innovative projects and technologies.
Tribal Lands Committee – This committee will work with tribal and regulatory officials on key issues relating to oil and gas development on tribal lands.
Truck Permits & Weights Committee – This committee will address issues relating to motor vehicle transportation including county and Department of Transportation issues, permits, weight limit issues, road restrictions, etc.
As specific issues arise, specialized Task Forces are also formed to study issues in-depth and develop detailed and workable solutions. Be sure to become a member of our regular committees to lend your experience and expertise to these important working groups.