North Dakota Oil and Gas Tax Revenue Study Released

North Dakota Oil and Gas Tax Revenue Study Released   Bismarck, N.D. – The North Dakota Petroleum Council (NDPC) and the Western Dakota Energy Association (WDEA) this week released the results of a North Dakota oil and gas tax revenue study they jointly...

NDPC Inducts Terry Kovacevich into Hall of Fame

Terry Kovacevich inducted into NDPC into Hall of Fame Bismarck, N.D. – During their Annual Meeting on September 25, 2018, the North Dakota Petroleum Council was pleased to announce the induction of Terry Kovacevich into the NDPC Hall of Fame.  2017 Hall of Fame...

NDPC Kicks Off Standardized Contractor Safety Orientation Program

One Basin, One Way!  NDPC Kicks Off Standardized Contractor Safety Orientation Program In February, the NDPC safety committee kicked off a discussion on creating a Bakken wide standardized contractor safety orientation program. The oil and gas industry has similar...

NDPC Opens Nominations for 2018 Annual Achievement Awards

NDPC Opens Nominations for 2018 Annual Achievement Awards The North Dakota Petroleum Council (NDPC) is accepting nominations for its Industry Achievement Awards, which honor individuals and companies for outstanding achievements within and on behalf of the industry....