FLIR Training

FLIR Training NDPC has again negotiated a 50% discount for FLIR/OGI certification. If you are interested in being certified for Optical Gas Imaging using Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR), please consider attending a certification class starting September 11, 2017. This...

Vote Against CRA is a Vote Against North Dakota and State Primacy

Bismarck, N.D. – The failure of the repeal of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) final rules regarding methane emissions on federal and tribal lands is an affront to North Dakota and state primacy, says North Dakota Petroleum Council President Ron Ness. “The...

NDPC Releases 2017 Buyer’s Guide

NDPC Releases 2017 Buyer’s Guide The North Dakota Petroleum Council (“NDPC”) has announced that the exclusive NDPC Buyer’s Guide (the “Guide”) — the premier resource of relevant products and services for oil and gas industry professionals — is now available at...

North Dakota’s Oil Boom Fuels Economic Growth

North Dakota’s Oil Boom Fuels Economic Growth By Mark Silva | Assistant Managing Editor This isn’t your father’s Fargo any more. That a state so sparsely populated and geographically remote stands among the top-five nationally in a broad measure of...