8th Graders Get Hands-On Experience in STEM

By: Brooke Williams Two hundred eighth grade students were in control, or at the controls rather, for the Great Northwest STEM camp. STEM is really a big initiative nationwide. So it’s just very important if you think about science, technology, engineering, and...

Group identifies plans for Badlands oil development

Group identifies plans for Badlands oil development The land between the Elkhorn Ranch and the South Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park was identified as a potential test site for better oil field development practices, allowing industry to drill while also...

New environmental agency head has public focus

JESSICA HOLDMAN Bismarck Tribune Encouraging better pipeline construction is just one initiative for the man who will oversee North Dakota’s new environmental regulatory agency. Dave Glatt, chief of the North Dakota Department of Health Environmental Health...

NDPC Releases 2017 Buyer’s Guide

NDPC Releases 2017 Buyer’s Guide The North Dakota Petroleum Council (“NDPC”) has announced that the exclusive NDPC Buyer’s Guide (the “Guide”) — the premier resource of relevant products and services for oil and gas industry professionals — is now available at...

Bakken is well positioned to handle increased activity

Bakken is well positioned to handle increased activity By Patrick C. Miller, North American Shale Magazine If—as some have recently predicted—the Bakken shale play is on its last legs, it was difficult to detect based on presentations given during Energy Day at the...