Letter: Keep momentum of energy revolution
As Printed in the Bismarck Tribune, Dec. 18, 2017
The revolution of American energy is in full force, a fact weighing heavily on the ministers of OPEC in their last meeting.
Despite OPEC’s failed attempt to crush us three years ago, America has become the undisputed leader in energy production. Our competitive forces released the world from the controlling grip of OPEC and Russia; we restored competitiveness in the pricing of petroleum products. The work not only lowered prices for Americans ($180 billion per year), but billions of people in impoverished and developing countries across the world as well.
We should celebrate these benefits and do all that we can to expand American oil and gas production. Our society should encourage more drilling and much-needed pipeline expansion. Doing so expands jobs for our country while ensuring more gets produced in our safe, heavily regulated industry.
Yet, the revolution of America’s energy industry faces significant opposition. The #KeepItInTheGround movement is well-funded, deeply organized, and will do anything it can to win. These groups have manufactured opposition to transportation infrastruction such as pipelines and port facilities to prevent production at the source. Their efforts began with the Keystone XL pipeline, escalated with the Dakota Access Pipeline and continues with opposition to port facilities and the Keystone XL, Rover and Atlantic pipelines. They are funded in an intricate, elusive network of billionaires and radical charities and foundations with billions of dollars in their coffers.
America’s energy industry offers a bright future for consumers, workers and our international allies, but only if we oppose the #KeepItInTheGround radicals and build new infrastructure.
Eric P. Nelson, Williston